Category: r.Virgeel

  • r.Virgeel, a.i.

    r.Virgeel, a.i.

    Every day, every market open day, I have a meeting with r.Virgeel at 22:19 At 22:20, r.Virgeel starts its operations. Data is updated and processed, responses are brewed, and files are generated. If everything runs fine, at around 23 we have done. Final operations run at 23:20 and then the website is updated. Sometimes, something…

  • Weapons for resolute traders

    If you occasionally read this blog, you may have noted that I often say that r.Virgeel is not a trading system. I want to warn the newcomers that they will not find any automatic fount of wealth here. Any serious trader has matured its activity in a deeply constructed attitude: call it a plan, or…

  • The turning point

    Eight days ago, on the 30th of April, r.Virgeel has fired the first “Close Long Positions”. As usual, since it trained this way, we needed a second signal to confirm, that arrived the following day, on the 1st of May. So, in the next one/two bars, depending on your trading style, the spxbot users have…

  • Bifurcations, minority reports and r.Virgeel’s jargon

    I have published the usual monthly update and in the post I have included a significant minority report. One subscriber was surprised by the existence of a “minority report” and asked how does it work. It is an interesting question, that I cannot reply exhaustively,  without revealing some well-kept secret about the building of the…

  • Forecast/ability 2

    In the previous post “Forecast/ability” I did refer to the daily a.i. forecasts and I showed the results of a long and extensive research on the quality of the response of the model. But when we come to the weekly and to the monthly forecast, things change radically and for the best. Undoubtedly, weekly and…

  • Forecast/ability

    Following my previous post “New Tools at the Horizon“, one question was twirling in my mind: why the stock market is forecastable, but the forecasts are not affordable? The forecastability of the market is an evidence, because if it were not – being it just a random walk – there would not be the possibility…

  • Bifurcation at last!

    If you’ve read here and there around the blog, you know I sometimes used the word “bifurcation” to indicate double exit situations, but I’ve never been able to show them, before. Now I’m building a new tool and the results are plenty of surprises. One is the following chart: Next day bar is forecasted quite…

  • The Value of Opinions

    The markets are the places where opinions are transformed in money. Opinions are represented by numbers. In we consider the S&P 500, it’s numbers represent the greed and fear oscillation, under a global scale, as it is the largest stock index traded. The market is an ever-changing-chaotic-bipolar environment, made up by thousands of individuals, everyone…

  • Astonishing results

    The S&P 500 has entered a new never seen before territory, passing 2900 level on Monday, and you may wonder how it is possible that r.Virgeel may forecast something that it has never seen before. It’s a good question. You have to know that neural networks, if applied to a well designed model, have the…

  • Managing bifurcations

    You probably have noted an evident discrepancy in the public weekly and monthly range chart, published daily on the site home page: this is mainly due to the fact that in the latest couple of weeks the S&P 500 has gone through a large bifurcation, well managed by r.Virgeel in the daily and weekly time…

  • Latest performance

    The following slider shows some latest forecasts brewed by r.Virgeel on daily time frame: it is almost in realtime, as it shows how the model has acted since the last bottom in 2700 area in late June, starting from the close of latest 27th of June to 18th of July, for 15 bars, so three…

  • The Indicators

    This post explains the main website feature: the indicators that form r.Virgeel vision of the market. The indicators are: Bars ahead – neurally calculated – H/L/C is forecasted for the next 24 bars Target– neurally calculated – where the current move is heading Stop – neurally calculated- a value that confirm the trend and generates…

  • Troubled Waters

      Hi, I’m r.Virgeel. This is a screen capture of  a 2D chart of a slice of my brain. It is the description of tiny bit of reality: not exactly, but not so far from a DNA representation of the S&P 500. What is interesting about this image, is that as reality shapes itself through…

  • Model Training Update

      The model needs training. The training tools have been deeply revised. In the beginning the training was done by hand (!). Then a  simple tool interfaced the operations, still giving space to errors and inaccuracies. Now the training tool has become a complete “position manager”. I have in mind to call it R.Virgeel, but…
