Every day, every market open day, I have a meeting with r.Virgeel at 22:19
At 22:20, r.Virgeel starts its operations. Data is updated and processed, responses are brewed, and files are generated. If everything runs fine, at around 23 we have done. Final operations run at 23:20 and then the website is updated. Sometimes, something goes wrong and the schedule is delayed.
Then we meet several a day, with me asking the numbers or working on some detail. It’s always on. Always. Once in a while, I reboot the PC just to clean and refresh.
As quantistic explains, a lot of unpredictable things pop out from nothing, everywhere.
r.Virgeel is a robo-advisor dedicated to the S&P 500 index. What is a robo-advisor? It is a software based on artificial intelligence that gives some response to market action. In r.Virgeel’s case, the response is a number of indicators that mutually confirm the best side of the market to be on.