You may have noticed that I often define the market as a living thing. I’m convinced of this, as it is composed and generated by humans, each one with his/her character and experience.
All the participants give form to a new substance as the market is open. It’s a living super-thing, like an anthill or an apiary. Each one looking for just the same thing: profit. It’s a huge catalyst of human extremes emotions. Even just watching the ball of the prices on a chart contributes to the global behaviour of Mr. Market.

How Mr. Market is getting rid of us? Changing the frequency and the polarity. The collective frequency of an open market is made up by thousands of singular decisions, most of them wrong. Mr. Market has a peculiar way to hide its moves, a continuous sham. Being purely fractal, changing the timescale has no impact on analysis, it just exposes you to more noise and more short-term impacting events. During rising markets, it pretends to crash and during contracting markets, it pretends to rise. Every participant makes errors, endlessly. Every day new participants appear in the arena and every day the knocked out are silently archived.
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